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Downtown Johnson City 
Façade Improvement
Grant Program

Mixed-use and Commerical Properties within the Redevelopment District are eligible for consideration for funding assistance provided by Tax Increment Funds.

The objective of the Downtown Johnson City Façade Improvement Grant Program is to provide incentives to improve the facades of mixed-use and commercial properties within the Redevelopment District, with a priority within the Historic Overlay District. By improving the appearance of building façades, the program serves to increase the economic viability of this area. Improved aesthetics also increase property values, enhance the marketability of space within the buildings, eliminate blight, and draw businesses and residents to the area.

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Quick Guide

Terrarium Plant Store: Former Facade Improvement Grant Program Recipient

JCDA's Quick Guide to Understanding the
Façade Improvement Grant Program

This is not to serve as the only source of information regarding the program. For extensive information regarding distribution of funds, eligibility, eligible projects, Downtown Historic Design Guidelines, and more, please refer to the Official Façade Improvement Grant Program Guide.

Any questions regarding this program can be directed to Patricia Oldham, AICP, TCEcD, Executive Director, at with the subject "Facade Improvement Grant Program Inquiry". 
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